2016, Feature Film, Norwegian Newscaster, LORDS OF CHAOS, Scott Free & Vice Films, Jonas Ã…kerlund
2016, Feature Film, Anette, FINDING YOU, Olof Media, Michael Boccalini & Che Grant
2016, Film, Woman, BETOBETO-SAN, Pick and Mix Films, Warren Badenski
2016, Film, The Soul, A GAME OF SOULS, Stab in the Dark Films, Warren Badenski
2016, Film, Ida Lowry, BRAZIL, James Edge, James Edge
2015, Feature Film, Jo – Forensic Officer, ESSEX BOYS: LAW OF SURVIVAL, Greenway Entertainment, Steven M. Smith
2014, Feature Film, Detective Sergeant Jones, A FOOLS CIRCLE, Suzanne Seddon, Suzanne Seddon
2014, Feature Film, CSI Agent Liz Carter, THE QUICKENING, UCL Film Society, Bartek Podkowa
2014, Film, Sigrid – Social Worker – Norwegian speaking role, BEFORE SPRING, Filmstead, Mary Hasavari
2014, Film, Gail, BLIND DATE, Hammerhead Productions, Leander Camesasca
2012, Film, Counsellor, U LOOKIN AT ME?, Small Rooms Big Wonders Films, Chris Bowser
2012, Feature Film, Mary, SVENGALI, Root Films, John Hardwick
2001, Feature Film, News Reader, BAR, Sixworks, Cyprus, Aliki Danezi-Knutsen
2017 TV Pilot In The Spotlight, Amelia Michaels, Anette Martinsen Productions, Venla Santalahti
2016, Television, Trish Baxter, THE BUTTERFLY BEAT, Aoxomedia, Doug Hewett
2016, Television, Paramedic, 50 WAYS TO KILL YOUR LOVER, Thumbs Up Productions for Discovery ID, Nick Tebbet
2014, Television, Intelligence officer, EXPOSURE: THE KILL LIST, ITV – Brook and Lapping, Ed Harriman
2013, Television, Herself/Fashionista, SHOPAHOLIC SHOWDOWN – SEASON 2 EPISODE 2, TLC, Helen Orton
2000, Television, News Reader, TV PRESENTER, CYBC Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation, Nicosia, Anthoulla Samuels
2017, Commercial, Anita, ROBOXIT, Olof Media, Michael Coburn
2016, Commercial, Janice Mounter – My Party Trick, WALKERS CRISPS – SHARE WISELY, AMV BBDO, Thomas Ormonde
2016, Commercial, Mum, GOLD CHRISTMAS COMMERCIAL, UKTV Gold, Simon Mathews
2016, Commercial, Wife, NHS – BETTER LEFT UNSAID, Generator Films, Ben Sedley
2015, Commercial, Aunt, JOHN LEWIS CHRISTMAS ‘MAN ON THE MOON, Somesuch, Kim Gehrig
2015, Commercial, Tracey/Abused Women, MILLION WOMEN RISE, Independent Production, Chiara Irico
2014, Commercial, Woman, SAY NO TO DRUGS, Destiny Film production Ltd, William Steel
2013, Commercial, Shopper/fashionista, SHOPAHOLIC SHOWDOWN, TLC/Betty TV, Helen Orton
2012, Commercial, Lead Role, NUVORYN, Stencil Media, Rei Bennett
2012, Commercial, Principal Role and testimonial, FLASH AND GO, JML, David Curran
2006, Commercial, Lady staying at a hotel, TUI TOURS, Glamour Model Agency, Limmasol Cyprus
2005, Commercial, Narrator/Principle Role/Yoga, CORAL BEACH HOTEL – MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT RETREAT, Pafos TV, Cyprus, George Michael
2000, Commercial, Secretary/speaking part, PHIL ANDREOU, MS Viewpoint, Anita Michalides
2016, Stage, Rita, SKIRMISHES, Pop Up Theatre, David King
2014, Stage, Madame Homais, MADAME BOVARY, Theatre Collection, Victor Sobchak
2012, Stage, Marjorie, LIKE CLOCKWORK, Anna Scher Theatre, David Forde
2012, Stage, Miss Jacovitz – Secretary, MR. LIAM AND MR. PAUL, Anna Scher Theatre, Bernard Pellegrinetti
2012, Stage, Wife, BLOOD, Anna Scher Theatre, Robert Walters
2012, Stage, Sylvia Waller – Casting Director, THE SCAPEGOAT, Anna Scher Theatre, Alan Kenny
2011, Stage, Miss Georgina Scott – Prosecutor, ‘GOOD MORNING DR ALZHEIMER’ BY DR ROBERT BOLAND, Theatre collection, Victor Sobchak